Ahad, 26 September 2010

How to: Firefox Blocking cookies+Don't track your own pageviews+Blogger+Stats

Block cookies for a single site
To set Firefox to block cookies from one website: 

  1. Go to the website you wish to block from setting cookies in Firefox.
  2. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the Tools menu, and select Page Info.
  3. In the Page Info window, select the Permissions panel.
  4. Underneath Set Cookies, remove the check mark from Use Default.
  5. Change the setting to Block.
  6. Close the Page Info window.
  7. Remove any cookies that the website has already set in Firefox. For instructions, see Deleting cookies.

Viewing a list of blocked sites
To see a list of sites that you have blocked from setting cookies:
  1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
  2. Select the Privacy panel.
  3. Set Firefox will: to Use custom settings for history.
  4. Next to Accept cookies from sites, click Exceptions....
  1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
  2. Select the Privacy panel.
  3. Next to Accept cookies from sites, click Exceptions....
Block cookies for all sites
To set Firefox to block cookies from all websites:
  1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
  2. Select the Privacy panel.
  3. Set Firefox will: to Use custom settings for history.
  4. Remove the check mark from Accept cookies from sites.
  5. Click OK to close the Options windowClick Close to close the Preferences windowClose the Preferences window
  1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....
  2. Select the Privacy panel.
  3. Remove the check mark from Accept cookies from sites.
  4. Click OK to close the Options windowClick Close to close the Preferences windowClose the Preferences window
To remove cookies that were stored previously, see Deleting cookies.

sumber: mozilla

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